September sneakers / ; By Roy, Ron.

Format:Someone has been stealing and leaving behind little green sneakers, so Bradley, Brian, Nate, and Lucy trail their new teacher, who wears the same shoes in normal size.
LCCN: 2012009242
Publisher:New York : Random House,
Physical Details: p. cm.
Notes:"A Stepping Stone Book."
Record No.:327129
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F ROY Donagh Regional School 2019-10-23 DONA14532
02. English Fiction F ROY Miscouche Consolidated School 2015-05-14 MSXX9358
02. English Fiction F ROY Queen Elizabeth Elementary School 2016-10-18 QEES19217
02. English Fiction F ROY Mt. Stewart Consolidated School 2020-02-19 MSCS13342